We provide indoor commercial & residential plant sales, leasing and maintenance programs, as well as workplace interior landscaping.

Our plants are specifically chosen:
  •   To improve air quality,
  •   To be beautiful focal points,
  •   For their heartiness, and
  •   To make you smile!


The Air Purification Power of Plants

Plants can reduce indoor air pollutants by up to 90 percent.

Indoor and outdoor air pollution can cause serious illness and respiratory distress. Unless there is an effective air filtering system in place, indoor air can be more than 10 times as polluted as outside air. Aside from the carbon emissions that filter in from the outside, indoor air is full of chemicals and organic compounds that are continually emitted by our built environment. Here is a short list of some of the items that emit volatile compounds: Carpet, flooring, furniture, wall coverings, adhesives, cleaning agents, fabrics, napkins, toilet tissue, and more.

Some of the compounds released are formaldehyde (very common), xylene, toluene, benzene, trichloroethylene, chloroform, ammonia, alcohols and acetone. These chemicals and compounds can cause long-term health problems from liver, kidney and lung damage to minor eye, nose, and throat irritation, headaches, and a lowered immune system.

“…plants can act as the lungs and kidneys of buildings.” Dr. William C Wolverton, NASA

In a landmark NASA research study conducted in 1989, it was proven indoor plans can effectively purify air by absorbing toxins, reducing mold, and regulating humidity. In addition, plants breathe in carbon dioxide while breathing out oxygen. Mountains of subsequent studies have confirmed the original findings plus many more health benefits such as speedier recovery times for hospital patients, higher productivity, and higher satisfaction rates. 

There is a direct correlation between illness and indoor air quality – and related illnesses are rising.

Perhaps what is most amazing is the significant difference just a few plants can make. One plant per 300 square feet can reduce some toxins up to 90 percent. Not only do plants absorb and break down toxins, research also shows that plant-filled rooms contain 50-60 percent fewer disease-causing airborne molds and bacteria than rooms without plants. In addition, plants help maintain humidity levels within healthy ranges for humans. 

However, researchers say that the optimal situation for air quality and health is that every employee have a plant with 6 to 8 feet of their workspace.

For references on the data presented here, please click here for a list of reference documents.

Higher Profits & Employee Productivity

10 percent of employee absences can be attribute to workspaces with no connection to nature.

Many people perceive indoor plants as a luxury. However, science shows bringing some nature inside is a sound investment and good decision. Studies prove that indoor plants improve productivity by improving employee disposition and health, thereby driving up profits.

Being able to see plants increases productivity, employee satisfaction and retention.

While technology has improved the comfort and safety of buildings, being removed from the natural environment has had a detrimental impact on mental wellbeing. Research demonstrated that humans have a biological need to connect with nature. Interactions with nature are essential for regulating our autonomic nervous systems which in turn impacts cognitive function (concentration, focus, stamina) and our parasympathetic system (ability to stay calm in tense situations).

Having some natural environment in the workplace reduces absenteeism, combats attention fatigue, headaches and other minor ailments. And as mentioned before, the number of plants does not need to be great as long as people can see them from where they are working.

Interestingly, the healing benefits of nature have been well documented. When patients have access to plants and nature views, they have shorter hospital stays and require less medication.

For references on the data presented here, please click here for a list of reference documents.

Increased Retail & Food Sales

Customers & employees benefit

Studies show that consumers are more likely to buy merchandise in stores with plants and natural light. Access to these natural elements can increase sales from 15 to 40 percent. Further, studies bear out that when people are near plants, they are willing to pay 15 to 25% more for products.

Customers also spend more time in stores with vegetation and they have a higher frequency of repeat business.

For references on the data presented here, please click here for a list of reference documents.

Beauty and Gallery

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder…or is it?

There is a lot of data to back up the idea that our brains crave the unique visual stimulation that nature provides. Just looking at pictures of plants and nature scenes on a screen will cause pleasure centers (the mu opioid receptors) in the brain to activate.

In fact, studies show that interacting with nature can act as a pain killer, much as the opioid drug class does. One wonders if the opioid crisis has something to do with our brains not getting enough of what they want, nature.

For references on the data presented here, please click here for a list of reference documents.

Joeseppi's Restaurant Entry

Custom Potting Odin Brewery

Veriagated Ficus Repens, Odin Brewing

Pothos, Celebrity Cake Bakery Lobby

Odin Brewing Transformed!

Snake Plant with Lipstick Plant in office

Joeseppi's Transformed!

Hanging Plants, Ceelbrity Cake Bakery


We provide a range of services to improve your workspace and environment